February 26, 2016

Stauf's Coffee- Columbus Coffee Trail Stop 2

Hey everyone!

Here's just a quick note for my readers from NC. For every person who commented "Oh you know it's cold there" instead of "Congrats" when I told you I was going to Ohio State-- Ohio is proving you wrong. Now I know this winter hasn't been typical, but its been beautiful. We've had consecutive days of 50-60 degree weather and sun, so HA.

That being said, Klaudia and I took advantage of a beautiful day last Saturday and went to our second stop on the Coffee Trail- Stauf's Coffee.

First, let me prattle on about German Village, because it's adorable. Unlike Short North, its spread out throughout a neighborhood rather than all on one strip down High Street. Its a longer walk from shop to shop, but much quieter. Plus, cobblestone streets are just the cutest. It's full of little artsy shops, restaurants, and a few local bars. Places to check out: Schmidt's (to eat), Helen Winnemore's (to shop), the Book Loft (to explore), and, of course, Stauf's (for your caffeine fix). Location: 5/5 Stauf's.

Stauf's. I don't even know where to start; I think I may be in love. 

Stauf's has the cutest building and a huge outdoor patio. Bonus points for extra seating and encouraging people to be outside on such a beautiful day! They lack the painted wall mural that we're used to for picture taking, but the building is honestly just beautiful. I love their signs, and the lines and columns on the exterior.

The inside is two large rooms with a teeny tiny hallway in between. The first room is packed full of stuff, and feels a little cramped when they get busy- which I'm sure they do often. They show off a shiny antique coffee roaster and burlap bags of beans as you walk in. The rest of the room is full of coffee and tea to explore and take home. You can take home bags of whole beans, or they have a grinder right there for you! Their coffee bar is also in the first room.

The room smells amazing, thanks to all these fancy beans
Once you get your drink (they were super speedy), you can walk out onto the patio or head into the back room. The back room is large, airy, and full of seating. There's chairs by a fire place, bar seating, and plenty of tables. Stauf's was busy, and the room was nearly full, but it didn't feel cramped at all, and wasn't too loud to study. Plus, their wi-fi was great! Overall, Stauf's hits the nail on the head with their space. 5/5 Stauf's once again :)

Peep the fireplace behind my adorable roomie :)
Their coffee continues their perfection. So. Good. Klaudia snuck down to Stauf's before I got the chance, but came back with me last weekend. Both times, her coffee was great. She had a Milky Way Mocha (yummm) the first time, and ordered an iced Mocha the second time, as it was much warmer. If you haven't noticed by now, Klaudia drinks pretty much just Mochas. But we don't judge. I got an iced Latte, which was also fantastic. Stauf's has found the perfect way to mix drinks so the richness of their coffee is complimented but not overwhelmed by whatever else is added. Our one complaint: we got disposable cups, even though we specified we were 'for here' and not 'to go'. Klaudia had this experience both times. If it seems like a petty complaint, that's because it is. Stauf's is, like Mary Poppins, "practically perfect in every way". 4.99/5 Stauf's.

Accordingly, their food was also awesome. They had the same Latte Muffin as Cup O' Joe, as neither makes their baked goods in house. Few coffee places do, but a good selection is always appreciated. And of course, Stauf's had just that. Klaudia had a blueberry muffin, and I had a cranberry-orange scone. Both earn 5/5 Stauf's.

Here's a picture from when Klaudia went without me- Milky Way Mocha, Mexican Hot Chocolate, and Latte Pecan Muffin. Also check out the Columbus Coffee Experience card!

Stauf's has my heart. It's a little further away from campus than the other places we have been, but certainly well worth it. Not only can you have some great coffee and food, but you can study in peace and explore German Village after! If you're visiting Columbus, this is for you. Overall, 4.99999/5 Stauf's.

And, since I wanted to break out my nice camera, German Village is adorable, the weather was beautiful, and Klaude and I wanted to get dressed up... here's some pics of us just being girls :) 

Why yes, I will take your senior pictures or head shots! Until next time, folks.

Stay caffeinated!


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