April 24, 2016

The Out-of- State Student Survival Guide

8 days. 3 finals. Amazingly enough, that's all that's between me and the end of my freshmen year. It's mind-blowing. This year has been a roller-coaster ride, and I can't believe it's almost over. I have no idea what to say when people ask if I'm excited to be home this summer. Of course I am, but I'm also far sadder than I ever thought I would be to leave school. Ohio State has truly become a second home.

So, let this post be a tribute to a year of loneliness, struggles, triumphs and joys beyond what I could have imagined. Whether you're going to school out-of-state, or just wondering how I made it though my first year, buckle up for what is looking to be my longest, realest post yet. Here's what you need to know.

1) You will be the loneliest you have ever been- pray.

The moment my parents left campus on move-in day, I was alone. Sure, I knew my roommate, but I'm pretty sure she could have fit the things she knew about me then on the front of an index card. As the days and weeks pass, you'll meet more and more people. And that's great! But there's a world of difference between a friend you met a few weeks ago, and the friends you've had for years and years at home. And you'll feel it. It'll hit you hard. Pray. Pray when get weird looks for telling a joke your best friend would have cracked up at. Pray when you feel like a stranger on your own campus. Pray when your heart hurts for someone who really, truly knows you, and you find no one. Because friends, who knows us better than our Father?

2) You won't fit in right away- pursue friendships anyways.

Sometimes the people you meet are nothing like you. Sometimes they are, but they've all known each other for years. Sometimes the people you thought were like you turn out to be totally different. Wherever you go to school, making new friends from scratch can be so hard. It takes work. Don't be discouraged. Run after new friendships boldly. Find a club, a sports team, or even a class that can connect you to people like you. You may discover that the friendships you end up making are way different from the ones you set out to make. That's okay! College is a sweet time to meet new people. This year, I've made friendships I know will last for a long time.

Thankful I found this gem of a roommate :)

3) You'll feel like a fish out of water- explore!

Beyond meeting new groups of people, you'll also be in an entirely new place! At the beginning of last September, I didn't even know how to get to the basketball arena. Now, I can point you in any cardinal direction, towards downtown, the Union, the 'Shoe, Bexley, the YoungLife office, and several coffee shops (winkwink) on a moment's notice. Especially if you go to a school in a big city, there's so much to see and do. Don't be afraid to leave campus! The Columbus Coffee Trail was one of my favorite parts of my year, mainly because of how Klaudia and I were able to see so many parts of Columbus we may not have found otherwise. There's still so much of Columbus for me to discover, and I know your city will have hidden gems to find as well. So get out there!

German Village

4) Long distance relationships are so hard- make them work.

Warning: don't skip this section if you're single. Regardless of your relationship status, you're going to be in a long-distance relationship. You're leaving dear friends behind, and I would hope those relationships matter enough that you want to maintain them at school. And you can- it's by no lengths impossible. But it is hard. Communication is so easily misunderstood by texting, and Skype calls are never going to be the same as actually hanging out. You will miss your friend every. single. day. 

But, every minute of work you put in, every time you stay up late on the phone, or put off homework to Skype, you will be so glad you did. Every bit of time spent on those relationships will be so, so worth it. The relationship may not last, I'm sure you've heard that one before. But I promise your relationships that are meant to last will, and they will be stronger for it. So send care packages. Have Skype dates. Send puppy pictures. Build snap-streaks. You'll be glad you did.

Relationship milestone- the 100 day Snapstreak
Here's a picture of me at a NC State football game with my friends!

5) You'll miss your parents more than you imagined- call home.

I know what you're thinking. "Not me. I won't miss my parents. I'm so ready to leave!" Listen to me: you're wrong. Nothing will make you appreciate your parents more than leaving them (sorry it had to be that way Mom!). You'll call your mom asking how to send a letter in the actual mail, or text asking about taxes and 'do-I-even-need-to-file-those-anyway.'  Beyond just the things they do for you, you'll miss them. Quite honestly, almost nothing makes me laugh as hard as Snapchats from my parents. I find excuses to text them about the most random stuff. I'm so glad they call me every Sunday, but if they didn't I know I would call home anyway. They still push my buttons, we still argue, but I still miss them every day.

Thanks Mom and Dad <3

6) Visits home will be the best kind of chaos- cherish them.

Going home is so exciting. You get to see your friends and family that you haven't seen in months, cuddle your dog, and eat home cooked meals. They are packed full of seeing every single person you've missed at school, and trying to visit every place you've missed in your hometown (shoutout to Bean Traders). They will go by so fast. Don't miss a moment. Get up early and stay up late. Take pictures! Do the things you've been dreaming about doing. Visits won't go perfectly. Being busy and tired can take its toll. You'll miss seeing someone you really wanted to see, and plans may change. That's okay- make the most of every second you have. Those memories will get you through to the next trip home.

Here's an actual picture of me with my friends- so thankful for Spring Break, and friends who go to school close to home!

7) Time will fly- savor it.

Like I said in the beginning, I can't believe the year is almost over. Move-in day literally feels like yesterday. I can't believe I made it though my first Ohio winter! It feels great to have made it though my first year- everyone says it's the hardest. But, my time at Ohio State is 20% over (5-year program whootwhoot). Pretty soon, this will all be over. I'll have to graduate and get a real job and pay real bills. I can't imagine a life like that right now, but it will really be here before I know it. Freshman year goes by so fast, and I don't think the ride will slow down much in the years to come. Really, truly, don't miss out. Don't wish school away when class gets hard, don't rush your way through school to get married and have a house and kids. For most of us, this is our only shot. Have a ball.

First football game- I can't believe this was so long ago!

8) You'll learn more than you ever have- be thankful.
I hope you're coming to school to study something you're passionate about. If not, I hope you find what you're meant to do. College has so much to offer- I have taken classes from Folk & Square dance to Case Studies of Epidemiology, and although I haven't loved every one, I've learned something valuable from them all. I hope you're thirsty for knowledge, and you soak it up like a sponge every day. Regardless of your major, or even the classes you take, you'll learn something. You'll learn about yourself, about who and what really matter to you. You'll learn silly 'adulting' things like how ridiculously expensive stamps are, and how to vote. Just like class, learning life things can be tough. You won't always 'get it' right away. Be thankful anyways. I can't think of another time in life where you learn and experience as much of the world as you do in your freshman year. The lessons you learn now will stick with you for the rest of your life. 

9) You won't regret it- go.

It's been a crazy year. It's been harder than I expected, but even better than I had imagined. I've met dozens of new people, learned new things, and seen new places. I've been shaken to my core and lonelier than I knew was possible. But when the Lord sent me to Ohio State, He sure knew what He was doing. I rest in Him, delight in fellowship and cherish my friendships more than I ever have. I've learned about God, learned about myself, and learned about life. So if you're on edge about leaving home, if you're not sure if you'll make it out there on your own- trust and go. It'll be the best decision you ever make.

April 12, 2016

One Line Coffee- Columbus Coffee Trail Stop 4

Annnd.... we're back with more coffee!

But before we get started, I have a confession to make. Remember back in my post about Stauf's when I bragged about how Ohio weather could be beautiful even in February? Well there's another side to that coin. Klaudia and I had an unwelcome visitor this weekend on the coffee trail- snow. That's right, now. In APRIL. It was ludicrous for sure, but the good news is, spring has finally decided to make an appearance, and we have temperatures above sixties this week!

But back to the important thing- coffee. Welcome to One Line Coffee in the Short North!

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but lately I've been feelin the B&W photos :)

One Line is right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the streets of Short North, but the location is a bit of a hidden treasure. Right around the corner is an adorable little park complete with a pond, a fountain, and gazebo. It looked like a great place to have a picnic or go for a walk on a nice day (i.e. not snowing). The shop itself is small, and bar is a circle right in the middle of the room, which doesn't look like the most efficient use of the space they have. However, there were more tables and seats than one would expect for a small space.

The atmosphere wasn't notably great or horrible. However, their customer service was above and beyond. The worker who took our order asked how our weekend was, and if we had any exciting plans for our day. My coffee came out beyond fast! Not one Line, but 3.5/5 Lines for atmosphere.

We ordered a donut. It blew our minds- and probably gave both of us cavities. We made it down to North Market later, and noticed that Destination Donuts was making the same kind, so I'm pretty sure they bring the donuts in from here. Either way, it was fantastic. and HUGE. It was 'Buckeye' flavor (naturally), and iced with chocolate and filled with an unbelievably light peanut butter frosting. Words cannot describe. Go buy one! 4.5/5 Lines for food.

Coffee! And tea this week, since Klaudia abandoned her usual selection of a mocha for a white tips iced tea. Her tea was light, ice cold, and the flavor came through really strong. I don't usually like tea, since it mostly tastes like water to me, but this one was great! 

My coffee was out of this world. I ordered their 'featured drink', a honey latte with brown sugar, grapefruit and sage. The combination is completely off- the- wall random, and it probably should have been awful. But someone at One Line really knows what they're doing, because it was utterly fantastic. Every sip, a different one of those five flavors presented itself to me, and I was so intrigued. I took 30 minutes to drink it as I savored every last drop. 5/5 Lines for tea and coffee.

Go to One Line. Order exactly this. You're welcome.
One Line was a great experience overall! I would for sure put my honey latte at the top of all the coffee I have ever had, and the food was sensational as well. It lacks the spaciousness necessary to make it a perfect hang out, but it's definitely worth stopping in! Overall, One Line Coffee receives 4.25/5 Lines.

One Line also had the honor of being our fourth stop on the Coffee Trail- a big benchmark, because four stamps means Klaudia and I got our free t-shirts! The Coffee Trail has recently expanded from 8 shops to 13- including Fox in the Snow!- so we still have a long way to go before we are officially done. However, with the end of the year and exams approaching, it may be a while before you see another coffee post from me. But, I want to hear about the coffee you love in your area- write me a comment about the best places near you!

From: http://www.cbuscoffee.com/columbus-coffee-trail/

Stay caffeinated!
